WELOVEXR was the first international collaborative XR project with a focus on art, pushing the boundaries of extended reality. With over 70 renowned artists, designers, and contributors from various fields, we crafted surreal and immersive XR experiences, demonstrating the multitude of possibilities offered by this revolutionary approach.
Initiated and curated by OBJ.Studio, this project was made possible by AMBION at the SUPEROOM XR Studio.
Performances by Sibylle Berg, BRKN, Philo Tsoungui, and Sevdaliza.
XR / Extended Reality
INITIATOR & CURATOROBJ.StudioARTISTSAnastasia Konovalova, Aurora Mititelu, Artificial Rome, Ben Esser, JOLT, BRKN, Carmen Nácher, Charlotte Rohde, Christoph Greiner, Claudia Rafael, David Kuruc, Eduard Felegeanu, Elías Prado, Fabio Malfa, Florian Siegmann,Florian Staerk, Julia Parchimowicz, Julian C. Steiner, Leendert Sonnevelt, Looping Lovers, Matthias Wahle, Max Pirsky, Moritz Mössinger, Nico Nitsche, Nicole Medvecka, Niels Thomsen, studio other types, Philomène Tsoungui, Plusminus Studio, Ramona Petersen, Ryan Vautier, Schultz Schultz, Sevdaliza, Sibylle Berg, Simon Kebeiks, Snooze One, Studio Triple, TwoPoints.Net, VANTA Gonzalez, Victoria Reuter, Vincent Wagner, Vivien Hoffmann, ZeitguisedCOLLABORATORSAdam Hussey, ARRI, Blacktrax, Clara Kacinari, Cinegate, derSound, Disguise, Eduard Felegeanu, Frames Dealer, Gregory Chobanyan, HOLOBAY, Jamie CA, Jannic Hamelmann, Jaz, Julia Parchimowicz, Lauren Grant, L’oeil D’Eos, Maximilian Duwe, MCQUEEN, MOGRADE, studio other types, derSound, Philine Smerz, Richard Downing, see you RENT, Stype TV, sunhou.se, SUPEROOM, TAMA, UNREAL ENGINE, VANTA Gonzalez, Vienna House Andel’s, Vincent RieseENABLERAMBION GmbHXR STUDIOSuperoom XRCAMERA SUPPLIERARRILOCATIONVienna House Andels
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